First Entry. November 27th 2011

First entry in the new blog.

I used to blog a lot about subjects that have no relation to makeup.

My nights were consumed by watching horrific videos of animal abuse taking place around the world and thinking of ways I could stop it-or at least make a difference somehow. Leading a cruelty free lifestyle I felt the need to do more. My thought was "you were either an activist or you were part of the problem". Active or Inactive.
After blogging, fundraising, and a cancelled trip to Japan due to the Tsunami ( we were heading to Japan to stop the torture being inflicted on the Taiji dolphins, and missed the tsunami by 4 days) we have decided to wait for the "smoke to settle" so to say before heading back to Taiji, Japan. This situation happening season after season is still very dear to my heart, its just that I cannot continue to be sad all the time.
Never heard of what is happening down there? Watch the Cove with Ric O'Barry directed by Louie Psihoyos.

The thought passed my mind to start blogging again about the animals and the assholes that mis-treat them, but the truth of it is-my heart strings cannot handle it at this time. The more I researched the more I became to hate humans and their greedy intentions.
So here I am. Taking and blogging what I know the most about.

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